February 20, 2025

Best Motorcycle for Beginner – You Asked for It!

Best Motorcycle For A Beginner – Some Real Help

OK, so I took a lot of grief for the last post on the Best Motorcycle for a Beginner. Why? Because I didn’t give a direct answer. I guess it was a little bit of a trick, but I thought it was pretty open and honest that a lot of what it takes to get a good first bike is personal.But you want more direct recommendations, it seems.

Well, since I’m not an expert on all the bikes that could be a starter bike for you, I did some research and found what I think are some great resources.

How to Buy the Right Motorcycle for You:

Video- Popular Mechanics

Here, on Popular Mechanics, they have a great video.  They
present some important things to think about and assess when you are
considering a first bike.  I didn’t do any of this when I
bought that V65 Magna.  Maybe I should have done more research
first.  That bike was heavy and fast.  Take a few minutes to go through this:


Here’s another Popular Mechanics article about how to buy a bike, not how to choose a bike. Pretty good advice.  I’m becoming a Popular Mechanics fan!


Find Your Ideal Bike – Motorcycle News

Here is a pretty cool interactive selection tool.  You can put in your answers

to some key questions and out will “pop” the best bike for you!  It’s so amazing.

As we have outlined before here at MotoSchoolCafe, the ebook “Learn to Ride” has a pretty comprehensive look at choosing a motorcycle.  We do recommend this inexpensive ebook (yes, we do get a commission if you buy, but you don’t pay any extra) because it is such a great read for new riders; even first time bike buyers.

Let’s get a discussion going on first bikes – what was your first bike?
What advice do you have for new riders?

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