November 9, 2024

The Single Most Important Piece of Motorcycle Equipment?

Good Gear – Get Your Head Into It!

Wondering what should be your most important piece of motorcycle riding gear?

Well, since you are on this site, you may know we are all about safe motorcycle riding.  That includes learning to ride properly, getting a motorcycle license (riding legally) and wearing the correct gear.

We found this great overview from the Motorcycle Industry Council on why to wear a helmet (prevention of risk and head safety), features of a good helmet and how to fit one properly.

Just like a good helmet, the 5 minutes of this video is great insurance for you.

 There are also 5 great messages for rider from the MIC (sound familiar?):

  1. Get trained and licensed
  2. Wear protective gear, all the time, including a DOT approved helmet
  3. Ride sober
  4. Ride within your own skill limits
  5. Take refresher courses

Hope you find this valuable.  Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.