February 20, 2025

Learn About Pro Motocross & Off-Road Riding Techniques

Review: Pro Motocross & Off-Road Riding Techniques

Wanna learn motocross from a pro?  Check out Gary Semics – he’s a 10 year factory rider and has over 20 more as a riding instructor.  This dude knows motocross. You will improve as a rider with his techniques and insight, even if you think you are “hot shit” now.

Techniques for motocross, supercross, hare scrambles, enduro, and desert racing are all included, as well as how to tackle off-road obstacles, practice methods, a buyer’s guide for gear, goggle prep, race strategy, and an extensive chapter on riding four-strokes. Whether you’re an expert motocrosser or a beginning enduro racer, this new edition of of Pro Motocross & Off-Road Riding Techniques is the hot line to improving your skills.

This book includes, also, advanced tips and techniques from other great pro riders-Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart, Danny Carlson, Chad Reed, Greg Albertyn, Ty Davis, Jeremy McGrath, Guy Cooper, Steve Lamson, and more to give you the inside line on everything from body position to brake/power slides. New action sequences of professional riders take you step-by-step through specific techniques, including double jumps, rutted corners, braking bumps, starts, and whoops.

Why Get This Book?

  • This is book not only has the best info, but it’s laid out in such a way one can use it to keep improving their skills.
  • This book has a lot of timeless tips about motocross racing and dirt bike riding with plenty of photos to walk the reader through the various techniques.
  • There are some more advanced techniques covered, but this is primarily for the beginner to intermediate rider.


Want more Gary Semics?  Check it!